It's an extremely exciting time for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are just two movie left in Phase Three, and the stakes have never been higher for the franchise's heroes. While there's plenty of buzz for Captain Marvel, all eyes are on what will happen when the Avengers and Guardians reunite to battle Thanos again in Avengers: Endgame. The Russo Brothers' next blockbuster is just weeks away, so moviegoers are eager to get their hands on tickets once pre-sales become available. But what ticket should you get?
Avengers: Endgame was actually shot with IMAX cameras, meaning that IMAX screenings of the movie will feature a longer and wider view than traditional theaters. In an attempt to persuade moviegoers to pony up for the full experience, IMAX released a side by side video of Endgame's trailer, showing just how much larger the frame will be in those screenings. Check it out below.
Does anyone else have chills? As if Avengers: Endgame didn't already have enough going for it, now you can see even more of the massive blockbuster by going full IMAX when it hits theaters. Considering that Endgame is the cumulation a decade of filmmaking, there are quite a few moviegoers who will be willing to shell out cash for the biggest and best theatrical experience.
The clip above shows the first trailer for Avengers: Endgame, which sets up the upcoming film's morose tone in the world after Thanos' snap (aka The Decimation). When side by side, you can truly see how much more of the frame will be visible to moviegoers willing to upgrade to the IMAX experience. Endgame should look especially good in IMAX, and it is only the second Hollywood film in history to be shot entirely with IMAX cameras. As such, the last installment in Phase Three has the possibility of being all the more immersive.
Now, you might be wondering which movie preceded Endgame as the first movie shot entirely with IMAX cameras. Fear not, because Marvel kept it in the family. That honor went to Avengers: Infinity War, so clearly The Russo Brothers planned on breaking new ground in a variety of ways through their two Avengers flicks. In addition to assembling a massive cast and filming a movie that is chock full of dazzling visual affects, the duo of directors also filmed both movies with IMAX cameras.
If there's any movie that deserves the IMAX treatment, it's Endgame. The stakes for the upcoming crossover film are sky high, as the last decade of movies will be wrapped up with that upcoming release. The Russo Brothers did the impossible with Avengers: Infinity War, expertly balancing the all-star cast and telling a story with equal parts action and heart. It was also a visual masterpiece, even earning an Oscar Nomination for Best Visual Affects. And part of the language of the visuals has to do with the camera, and the wider frame used through IMAX.
You'll be able to see Avengers: Endgame in whatever format you prefer when it arrives in theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.
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